Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Remembering Katrina allows the delegation of faculty and staff to engage with the recovery efforts in post-Katrina New Orleans while enriching or extending the delegates' scholarship, their pedagogy, and their actualization of social justice. The delegation will work to develop a model of community-university engagement that is community-centered, scholarly, and justice-oriented. The faculty and staff who take part in this scholarly immersion experience will:
  • Examine how Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath has impacted New Orleans society and culture;
  • Engage with a cross-section of populations in post-Katrina New Orleans through local immersion experiences;
  • Embody the everyday struggles of Hurricane Katrina survivors;
  • Develop partnerships with an agency or academic entity — in New Orleans — that is within the faculty and professional staff member’s respective field of scholarly/creative interest or professional expertise;
  • Learn how survivors of Hurricane Katrina are rebuilding their city, their culture, and their lives;
  • Learn about global justice movements that have emerged in post-Katrina New Orleans; and
  • Work to sustain partnerships between their home institutions and the the movements for justice in post-Katrina New Orleans through faculty scholarship, teaching, and service.